Offensive IoT Exploitation
IoT or the Internet of Things is one of the most upcoming trends in technology as of now. A lot many new devices are coming up every single month. However, not much attention has been paid to the device's security till now.
"Offensive IoT Exploitation" is a brand new and unique course which offers pentesters the ability to assess and exploit the security of these smart devices. The training will cover different varieties of IoT devices, assessing their attack surfaces and writing exploits for them. The 3-day (or 5-day) class will be hands-on giving attendees the ability to try things themselves rather than just watching the slides.
We will start from the very beginning discussing about the architecture of IoT devices, and then slowly moving to firmware analysis, identifying attack surface, finding vulnerabilities and then finally exploiting the vulnerabilities.
The course labs include both emulated environments as well as real live devices which will be provided to the attendees during the training. A custom VM - AttifyOS will be provided by the trainer which will be used for the entire class.
Offensive IoT Exploitation is the course for you if you want to try exploitation on different IoT devices and discover security vulnerabilities and 0-days in IoT devices.
At the end of the class, there will be a final CTF challenge where the attendees will have to identify security vulnerabilities and exploit them, in a completely unknown device.